Water stops will be stationed every 1.5 miles start approximately mile 2
Last water stop will be right past at Mile 24
Medical Stations will be located around each water stop
Course Description Turn By Turn
(USA Track & Field rules: athlete is responsible for knowing course)
Start Line: Lake Robbins Drive (Eastbound Lane) - Town Green Park side
-Proceed to Grogan's Mill turn right in SB lane
-Proceed to Research Forest Drive turn left in EB lane
-Proceed to Kuykendahl Rd turn left in NB lane
-Proceed to Lake Woodlands Drive turn left in EB lane
-Proceed to Lake Front Circle turn right onto Waterway (using trolley path)
-Proceed straight down Waterway to turnaround point
-Once turnaround proceed to Eastshore Waterway Bridge turn left onto bridge
-After crossing bridge turn left on Southside Waterway Pathway system
-Proceed to Timberloch Drive using the pathway system closest to the water
-At Timberloch turn right towards Grogan's Mill headed west in WB lane.
-At Grogan's Mill turn left to mile 15 using the inside northbound median lane
-Proceed to South Millbend right at mile 16 and u-turn at the intersection to the SB lane (using the lane closest to the median)
-Proceed to Woodlands Parkway westbound on ramp - turn left in the WB lane (using the lane closest to shoulder)
-Proceed on Woodlands Parkway passing E. Panther Creek staying straight to W. Panther Creek
-Proceed to W. Panther Creek turn right in the outside NB lane.
-Proceed to Lake Woodlands turn right in the EB lane (recycling first part of course (mile 10 thru 24)
-Proceed to Lake Front Circle turn right onto Waterway (using trolley path)
-Proceed straight down Waterway to turnaround point
-Once turnaround proceed to Eastshore Waterway Bridge turn left onto bridge
-After crossing bridge turn left on Southside Waterway Pathway system
-Proceed to Timberloch Drive using the pathway system closest to the water
-Proceed to Grogan's Mill turn right in NB lane (using the lane closest to the shoulder)
-Proceed to Lake Robbins Dr turn right
-Proceed to Waterway Avenue turn right
-Proceed to Waterway Square Place turn right to Waterway and FINISH LINE.